We were all told that the last two weeks would be the worst for the United States, with references to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Now that we’re on the other side of those two weeks, we continue to see the strength and resilience of our fellow Americans as we begin to look forward, working on the steps we’ll need to take to return to some sort of normalcy in a post COVID-19 shelter in place environment.
I can tell you from my personal experience that these past two weeks have been difficult and strange, in terms of the isolation I feel and the longing for normal human interaction and proximity. Even the casual greetings of hello as I pass others in the park walking my dog have changed, as that weird energy of fear exudes from some people not even acknowledging my greetings.
However, I continue to be encouraged and inspired by the ingenuity and creativity of people everywhere to re-invent themselves and how they interact in order to remain engaged and productive in these strange times, whether it be virtual happy hours, funny texts and videos and a myriad of other collaboration technologies used as a substitute for that most vital of all human activities – social interaction.
And as the saying goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” I truly do believe we are nearing the middle of this nightmare and that brighter times are around the corner. We cannot turn a magic switch and have everything go back to the way it was before, but as we transition from being shuttered in place, we will find a way to work together to re-populate our work environments, our restaurants, our parks and all the other venues that provide us with the ability to connect with others in person. The form and measure of that connection will continue to look different until therapies and a vaccine are found, and I believe we have the will and the tenacity to adapt until that happens.
At GSG, we are working hard every day to find and deliver the positive stories and deliver People and Solutions to help our clients move beyond COVID-19 in the workplace. We are rolling out a model for change management and communication strategies to support our clients’ efforts to get back to work safely, productively and with respect for human dignity and privacy.
Now more than ever, it’s critical that we look for the light at the end of the tunnel and embrace the challenges ahead with the clarity of vision we are capable of if we work together in a spirt of kindness, patience and understanding. Facts over fear will win every time.
So I encourage you to follow GSG on LinkedIn where we will continue to post original and syndicated content focused on the positive stories and practical approaches to dealing with working remotely, the re-integration of people in the workplace and the things each of us can do to move through this strange and stressful time.
I wish everyone the best and am sending positive energy and hope to you and your loved ones.
John Henning is the Chief Client Officer at Granite Solutions Groupe. He has over 35 years of leadership experience in the financial services and technology industries, and currently oversees all client account management, professional services, marketing strategy, business development and sales operations for GSG. To stay updated on the latest market news and insights, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn.